Mr. Rodrigo González Pardo jointly with Antonio Karatzis founded Croppy Solutions in 2009. Since then, Mr. Gonzalez has been the Managing Director of the company achieving continuous growth during all these years and reaching a turnover of 3M €.
Among his goals, Mr. González has been able to sign strategic alliances with key suppliers and develop to the maximum the commercialization of products manufactured by the parent company.
He has also had the ability to become a reference in the Spanish and Portuguese crop packaging market.
Rodrigo estudied Environmental Engineering and completed his backroung with an MBA at Instituto de Empresa (Madrid – Spain).
© Croppy Solutions S.L. All rights reserved. Developed by EyeWide
C/ Pozuelo Alto nº10
47008 Valladolid España
Office: +34 983 29 97 18
Fax: +34 983 29 97 18
Contact person: Rodrigo González Pardo
Tysiąclecia 17 C street
95-080, Tuszyn
Office: +48 660 028 407